I was happily chattering away to myself (a common occurence in chat and elsewhere) and received a mouthful of feathers -- LOL!
Welcome Mr. Thunder Pants er.. Rider! Am looking forward to your posts!
just wanted you all to know i have finally got my hubby to visit the forum.
he will be posting also (he is a man of few words so he may be a newbie forever lol) .
we of course have the same ip address in case you noticed that, just didn't want you to think i had a personality disorder lol you will find we differ on everything but that is what makes for good conversation after almost 19 years lol.
I was happily chattering away to myself (a common occurence in chat and elsewhere) and received a mouthful of feathers -- LOL!
Welcome Mr. Thunder Pants er.. Rider! Am looking forward to your posts!
i was in chat early this morning with country girl and she posed a ?
i found kinda hard to answer................ .
i had to really think hard to answer this question.
I like that I am able to stay up all night and pose hard questions in the wee hours to those who dare come into chat... <rubs hands together and looks side to side>.
Naw. I like that I'm friendly and, sometimes to my indecisive detriment, able to see all aspects of a problem.
I don't like that I'm insane. <----- joins Insane Clown Posse.
greetings all texas apostates...i have been guided by the holy spirit (tm) to compile a map locating us in the veritable hotbed of apostacy that texas is...if you would like to be on the map let me know and i'll add you as you request.
we can't very well let ballistic and our uk counterparts/blokes/blokettes have all the fun now can we?
we can also squeeze in our brothers and sisters from neighboring staes as well.. .
And don't ferget yer lil ole Country Girl wavin her Lone Star flag down here in Elgin, Sausage Capital of Texas! (30 miles East of Austin).
think that farting and burping are sooooooooo funny????????
my son will be 9 in jan and my bf's nephew is the same age only 2 weeks later than my son's birthday.
my son (jessie) and chris (the nephew) stayed over for a couple days.
Hmmm.. Jess. My son is 17, and he's still doing it and laughing. When he was 2 years old, he ran around for a year saying "Caca, bootie, farted" and laughed. My mother really wanted to break him of that habit as she took him to the Kingdom Hall once a week. Hehheh.
I was raised with four boys, and I still think it's funny. <shrugs> Must be the tomboy in me! My favorites were when my little brother, who could do it on command, would let em roar during the prayer at the meetings. He invariably had the whole row in front of us cracking up.
Oh well, I do realize that it's impolite, but boys all do that nonsense. I just can't think of a way to stop them.
i have lots of animals on my farm.
i have two parrots, three horses, two cats, 4 chickens, 5 guineas, and lots of fish.
i don't have a dog... <sadly> i was wonderin what your favorite pet was?
Guess the water prevents them from fluffin up their dos... hehehhe. I ordered those dumb sea monkeys when I was seven years old and was quite disappointed that they didn't have little faces that smiled and eyes that winked. But their food was pretty tasty.. like peanut butter.. or so my brother said. He loves things in brine now, grin. He's a shrimp. Musta been the sea monkey food.. heheh.
i have lots of animals on my farm.
i have two parrots, three horses, two cats, 4 chickens, 5 guineas, and lots of fish.
i don't have a dog... <sadly> i was wonderin what your favorite pet was?
Wow.. lots of animal lovers here, I see!
Actually, the guineas are pretty funny. They get on the roof in the morning <tin roof> and love to slide down it and fall off the house. Instead of raining men, it's raining guineas.. although I'd much prefer it to rain men. <gets out umbrella> They follow me around the yard and up the street, they're actually pretty funny, but ugly.. hehheh.
I have an african gray and a blue headed conure <like the bird that was in the movie "Paulie">
What is a Degus Gerbil? Corn snake? Those are very pretty.. but I take it you don't like em much.. heheheh. Sea Monkeys, Mac? Are those the kind that you see in the back of comic books with the bow ties, glasses and hairdos?
Country Girl
i have lots of animals on my farm.
i have two parrots, three horses, two cats, 4 chickens, 5 guineas, and lots of fish.
i don't have a dog... <sadly> i was wonderin what your favorite pet was?
I have lots of animals on my farm. I have two parrots, three horses, two cats, 4 chickens, 5 guineas, and lots of fish. I don't have a dog... <sadly> I was wonderin what your favorite pet was? My favorites have to be the birds, because they talk and I LOVE to hear them talk. They just comment on everything that is going on in the house. What is your favorite animal.. and what is your favorite pet, and why?
Country Girl
i approach this thread with some trepidation.
i understand that most of us here have had a bad to terrible experience with an organization that is highly judgmental and vengeful in its approach to its members.
so i post this with the utmost respect toward all who wish to read it.
We all judge things for ourselves every day. We judge the distance to the next corner, we judge amounts of time.. things like that.
All of us judge behaviors, words (written or spoken) and react in various ways. I believe it is when we CONDEMN others for their behaviors, opinions, attributes, whatever, that it becomes something that is non-loving and breeds hostility. We can judge, yes, but I think it's not our right to penalize or condemn.
Just my $.02.
Country Girl
its just not supposed to be like this.
i just put my jw husband on a plane to san fran so he can spend the entire holiday week out there, get this, dog sitting his nonjw brothers shitzus while he goes to visit family for christmas.
i told him i was going to miss him...and he replied, well "i wont miss christmas".
:::LovesDubs::: many hugs to you! I read your post and was in tears because it just brings back memories of many Christmasses missed.. and still many to be missed with remaining family members in the Dubs. The pain of Christmas, as it were. I do try to remember the good of Christmas, but it has a darker side for me because of the shame and humiliation it caused me at school as a child. Anyway, please know that I am thinking about you, and hope, despite the pain of your husband being gone and not having other family close by, and the stress of preparing the meal... you still remember the good times you'll share with your children this Christmas, and how much joy in those memories ya'll will treasure for years to come! Those can never be taken away from you or them! I do want to respond to one particular sentence you posted:
"Have I told you lately how much I adore and love all of you? EXJWs certainly know how to love and be true friends...isnt it ironic that we came out of that cold environment with that knowledge? "
Yes, you told us... just by coming here and trusting us enough to tell us such personal things. You know why we know how to love and be true friends? Cuz our icy facades finally melted and let the shining blessing of humanity come out.
Anyway, much love to you, and true hope that this same time next year will find this heartbreaking situation resolved. God bless you, LD.
Country Girl
i shared the board with my husband last night.
he read my post and the replies.
we both really appreciate all of your words.
Good for you! Congratulations on arriving at a very sensible and no nonsense course of action. You sure got it all under control girl! I hope your little one has a very wonderful Scooby birthday and that you have many Merry Christmasses to come!
Country Girl